N.A.T.O. summit in Strasbourg and Baden-Baden_4th April 2009

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The 2009 Strasbourg-Kehl Summit was a NATO summit of heads of state and heads of government held in Strasbourg, France, and in Kehl and Baden-Baden, Germany, on 3-4 April 2009. 

The summit marked the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

 Source : The New York Times
 Photos : Todd Heisler

President Obama joined NATO leaders to
greet President Nicolas Sarkozy of France
at the centre of the Passarelle Mimram Bridge between Germany and France.

This year's summit meeting has been fractious both inside the hall and outside with President Obama's request for more troops in Afghanistan and the search for a new secretary general.
    President Obama took questions from the media after Saturday's session was over :

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